Computes the recommended number of chunks to break a data.frame into. It can accept filesizes in bytes (as integer) or a data.frame
type = "csv",
minchunks = data.table::getDTthreads(),
conservatism = 8,
ram_size = df_ram_size()
a disk.frame or the file size in bytes of a CSV file holding the data
only = "csv" is supported. It indicates the file type corresponding to file size `df`
the minimum number of chunks. Defaults to the number of CPU cores (without hyper-threading)
a multiplier to the recommended number of chunks. The more chunks the smaller the chunk size and more likely that each chunk can fit into RAM
The amount of RAM available which is usually computed. Except on RStudio with R3.6+
# recommend nchunks based on data.frame
#> [1] 6
# recommend nchunks based on file size ONLY CSV is implemented at the moment
#> [1] 6