Fits GLMs using `speedglm` or `biglm`. The return object will be exactly as those return by those functions. This is a convenience wrapper
dfglm(formula, data, ..., glm_backend = c("biglm", "speedglm", "biglmm"))
A model formula
See Details below. Method dispatch is on this argument
Additional arguments
Which package to use for fitting GLMs. The default is "biglm", which has known issues with factor level if different levels are present in different chunks. The "speedglm" option is more robust, but does not implement `predict` which makes prediction and implementation impossible.
An object of class bigglm
The data
argument may be a function, a data frame, or a
connection object.
When it is a function the function must take a single argument
. When this argument is FALSE
it returns a data
frame with the next chunk of data or NULL
if no more data are
available. Whenreset=TRUE
it indicates that the data should be
reread from the beginning by subsequent calls. The chunks need not be
the same size or in the same order when the data are reread, but the
same data must be provided in total. The
method gives an example of how such a function might be written,
another is in the Examples below.
The model formula must not contain any data-dependent terms, as these will not be consistent when updated. Factors are permitted, but the levels of the factor must be the same across all data chunks (empty factor levels are ok). Offsets are allowed (since version 0.8).
The SQLiteConnection
methods loads only the
variables needed for the model, not the whole table. The code in the
method should work for other DBI
connections, but I do not have any of these to check it with.
Algorithm AS274 Applied Statistics (1992) Vol.41, No. 2
Other Machine Learning (ML):
cars.df = as.disk.frame(cars)
m = dfglm(dist ~ speed, data = cars.df)
#> Loading required namespace: biglm
# can use normal R functions
# Only works in version > R 3.6
majorv = as.integer(version$major)
minorv = as.integer(strsplit(version$minor, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1])
if(((majorv == 3) & (minorv >= 6)) | (majorv > 3)) {
predict(m, get_chunk(cars.df, 1))
predict(m, collect(cars.df))
# can use broom to tidy up the returned info
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4
#> term estimate std.error p.value
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 (Intercept) -17.6 6.76 9.29e- 3
#> 2 speed 3.93 0.416 2.96e-21
# clean up